October 8th,
Full Blood Moon in 20
degrees Sidereal Pisces
that is entering
even now
the lip of our
carry you out
beyond the face of
may you kiss
the wind then turn
from it
certain that it
love your back may you
open your eyes to
water waving
and may you in your
sail through this
to that – Lucille Clifton
The shadow may very well be the symbol of this time, as the Autumnal
period is the season of ancestors, going inward and thanksgiving for reaping
the bounty of the seeds we harvested in Spring. We have several shadowy
influences creating dynamic forces around us at current: an full lunar eclipse-
indicating the moon’s passing through the umbral shadow of the earth, Mercury’s
retrograde- where it appears to stand still, forces us to look back and examine
our own shadows, and Mars in Ophiuchus- who recently returned to our psyches,
our astrology and the reemergence of female power. This is the second in
the tetrad of blood moons that began in April. For those who subscribe to the Abrahamic traditions,
this tetrad may signify the end of times and refer to the prophecies of the
four blood moons- for us who subscribe to the cyclical, never-ending nature of
time, it represents the end of an age. We are now in the Age of Aquarius (again
referencing that backward/forward movement, as we went from Pisces to Aquarius
in terms of astronomical age), as the pit of emotions exemplary of the Piscean
age has come to it finale. We move from the irrational ambiguity that comes
with a surplus of feeling into the age of higher mind. This blood moon in Pisces
is magnified by its involvement in a grand aspect- a Kite- making its influence
all the more pronounced.
During the major shifts that we
are currently experiencing and will continue to see through the end of the year,
now is the optimal time to rethink our relationships to our bodies and how we
care for ourselves. With the North Node in the second decanate of Virgo, we
have seen disease and infection spread around the world (the blood moon in
Pisces adds to the wide spread paranoia, as evidenced by the media’s handling
of the Ebola “crisis”). In Virgo, we focus on diet, health, hygiene, healing,
self-care and mind/body awareness. Focus on how you take care of yourself and
family. Be careful of infections and hygiene, particularly things that are
contagious. Raw, unfiltered, unprocessed coconut oil is a wonderful thing to
have in the kitchen right now. Here is a
little tip: to help prevent inhaled airborne pathogens from entering the
body, rub a bit of coconut oil on the inside of your nostrils daily.
In the spirit of maintaining
health, I am sharing my recipe for Fire Cider (a classic staple in the
herbalist community). This can be used as a preventative by taking a teaspoon
or two daily. Should you become ill, take 1-2 tablespoons ¾ times daily. This
can be added to tea, soups, salads or whatever else if you would like to
incorporate it into your cooking:
1 whole bulb garlic
1 large white onion
1 organic horseradish
1 whole ginger root
½ cup of astralagus root
2 tsp elecampagne (I use the powder)
¼ fresh scotch bonnet pepper
1 teaspoon raw, unfiltered pure honey
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother (I use Bragg) to cover
1 large white onion
1 organic horseradish
1 whole ginger root
½ cup of astralagus root
2 tsp elecampagne (I use the powder)
¼ fresh scotch bonnet pepper
1 teaspoon raw, unfiltered pure honey
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother (I use Bragg) to cover
*I use organic
ingredients as much as possible. Also, I order from Mountain Rose Herbs for great
Peel and mince the garlic, onion
and ginger. Chop the horseradish and scotch bonnet pepper. Add all of them to a
1 qt mason jar along with the astralagus root and elecampagne. Cover the
ingredients in Apple Cider Vinegar and add the honey. Close tightly and shake. For
those who need a visual reference, check out Herbalist Goddess Rosemary
Gladstar making her recipe here.
Shake daily for 2-4 weeks, then
strain. Your tincture is ready! Some people prefer not to strain but that can
get funky and your mix can start to get too thick. But hey, if you like it, run
with it!
Now back to this moon
Lunar eclipses are known by many
names within the astrological community. Personally, I like to call them the
Revealers and End-bringers. Lunar eclipses tend to bring out all the stuff we’ve
been hiding- collectively and individually- while simultaneously bringing about
endings. Sometimes those endings are rough, sometimes bittersweet, but always
The energy of this moon is
hyper-sensitive, psychic and erratic. Under stress this could manifest as
paranoia, neurosis and drama. It is conjunct Uranus- the dynamic, unpredictable
revolutionary- and the South Node, both retrograde in the sign of Pisces and in
opposition to the North Node in retrograde, Mercury retrograde (which again,
has been in effect since the 4th and has been taking no prisoners)
and Venus all in Virgo. Venus here is weakened in the sign of its fall, which
could bring relationship issues to the fore and make for some dramatic
exchanges in the midst of all this stuff happening. Uranus’ involvement could
mean sudden surprises and revelations, or even the ending of relationships with
women or female-figures in our lives (Moon). Uranus, the Moon and South Node
are all opposite the Sun- meaning, it’s time to let go of what doesn’t work for
US and our ultimate goals. Black Moon Lilith makes her way into this narrative
as well, as she is in Leo and also trine the Moon in Pisces, adding the fiery,
ego-focused sensitivity of that sign to this combustible mix. Things may
seemingly happen out of nowhere causing distrust and confusion. With all these
major shifts that sense of anxiety and discomfort is almost inescapable but
this ultimately is a good thing. Within the next 30 days, life will completely
Drawing down this
There are many prophecies around
this blood moon and it is not hard to see why many spiritual traditions choose
to perform special ritual in honor of Her eclipse. Beaming bright with Her
fiery red glow she bears the name “Ruler of the Stars”. Stationed in the watery feminine of Pisces,
her glow casts rays on all that we need to see. The trine involving the Moon in Pisces, Mars in
Ophiuchus and Jupiter in Cancer – brings ether/spirit and the power of water in
harmonious rhythm, opening the gate to communications of a spiritual and
philosophical, higher-minded nature- from the sacred feminine forces. If we can
silence the noise in our heads and hearts long enough to listen very carefully
and tune in, our spiritual instincts will be keen- albeit super emotional- and
if we can direct these instincts through empowering and self-affirming methods,
we can develop by leaps and bounds. Or, if we give into the negative shadowy
side as represented by Mars in Ophiuchus, “The Warrior”, which gives her the
powers of mind control, mesmerism and manipulation, we can engage in deceit,
delusion and vibrations that rid us of our true power. As always, there is
Now is the time to harness this
energy through water. Pray over a bowl of water and set it out under this moon
to catch the fullness of this energy. Add some of that water to a spiritual
bath consisting of:
Sea water
Blue or white flowers
Jasmine or bergamot essential oil
Fresh basil
Blue or white flowers
Jasmine or bergamot essential oil
Fresh basil
Scrub the basil leaves in the in
the water/oil mixture well to extra the essence. As you prepare your sacred
bath, pray for clarity, calm and peace. Pray to be assisted and uplifted by
your guides and to be released from anything that no longer serves you. Allow
the Ruler of the Stars to bring your true desires to the surface by removing
the superficial blockages that cloud your vision.
When it is time to take your bath,
be sure to smudge your space (advice on scents below) and create a sacred
environment for your cleansing. This can be added to your bath water as you sit
in, soak and pray.
Additional stats:
Herbs/Plants: basil,
lemon balm, irish moss
Scents/Oils: bergamot, jasmine, ylang ylang
Stones: lodolite, moonstone
Tarot: 9 of Cups
Color: greens, browns, burnt orange
Scents/Oils: bergamot, jasmine, ylang ylang
Stones: lodolite, moonstone
Tarot: 9 of Cups
Color: greens, browns, burnt orange
For additional information on how these things will directly
affect you look to your first house and where the moon falls in your chart.
Also look to where Pisces may fall in your chart. If you would like your 13
sign chart drafted just contact me.
As always, I leave you with a musical offering to mellow the
vibe and ride this wave. Enjoy!
Until next time Beloveds.
-Ty Shaw
*Star info lovingly sourced from "The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology" by Vivian Robson
**These images are not mine and sourced from google.com. If you are the owner I would love to credit you. Just shoot me a message and I'll get that info up!
**These images are not mine and sourced from google.com. If you are the owner I would love to credit you. Just shoot me a message and I'll get that info up!