The galaxies move
through space.
The stars ignite,
God is Change.
God prevails- Octavia
It’s been a while but I am back
and currently resurrecting this blog. I took some time off in order to
reconcile some questions and concepts I had within my own mind and spirit. I
was also busy riding the huge waves of this tumultuous year- Whew! So much has
changed…and now here we are. This past Uranus retrograde has affected us all in
profound ways whether we realize them or not. For me, it brought me to question
and revolutionize the way I thought about everything, including this blog.
Going forward I will be reporting
to you using a 13-sign, sidereal zodiac. This was a monumental decision for me
because astrology is an art and I needed to carve out my own unique genius; my
own approach based on what makes sense to ME not the establishment or popular
thought. Flow with me on this one.
My approach to spirituality in
general has always been about acknowledging and respecting the traditional (no
need to reinvent the wheel) while taking full advantage of our ability to
evolve and transform. My astrology, in my mind, is where past and future meet.
Time is a relative shape-shifter in my world, waiting for us to realize how
malleable and subjective She is…which brings me to this change.
My approach weaves together
traditional renaissance astrology (lunar mansions, astrological magic, fixed
stars, decans and other fun stuff) with sidereal, constellational, 13-sign elements
to create what I call WildSeed Astrology. All the magical, fused with the
modern preoccupation with what we can see. They both have their value.
The case for the change- Sidereal vs. Tropical
Chris Warnoc (over at Renaissance Astrology, which is
a fantastic site) divides the orientations in astrology into three approaches
to the zodiac: tropical, sidereal and constellational. The Tropical system is derived from
Ptolemy's ephemeris, which he wrote around 120 A.C.E. The problem here is that
he didn’t factor in the progression of the equinoxes which would cause all his
calculations to skip ahead about one degree every 75 years. Now, 1900+ years later,
that’s created a difference of about 27 degrees which put the planet’s
positions almost a complete sign back. To many, this is the main reason why the
science of astrology is no longer respected because tropical astrology’s
seasonal zodiac isn’t necessarily astronomically correct.
According to The Siderealist (another fantastic site),
since the sidereal approach it is based on fixed stars and those stars are
found in constellations (and are used as markers within the constellation), it
would seem to me that sidereal and constellational astrology are one in the
same. While a
case can be made for either approach (and trust me, there are TONS of sites
that elaborate on that debate…it’s a pretty old one)- seasonal or star-based
(sidereal comes from the latin ‘sidus’ meaning star), in the end it’s about
what beliefs you subscribe to and what works best for you. Since the tropical
zodiac is measured by the position of the sun against the Earth’s horizon at
whatever place in on the planet, it uses the seasons as its reference to track
time. The sidereal zodiac is the position of the Sun as referenced against a
stellar background. And while tropical astrology is a seasonal
astrology, marking 0 degrees Aries at the Vernal Equinox, I still prefer to use
astronomical calculations for my astrology because in my opinion the astronomical
stellar background brings astronomy and astrology back together as one.
And then there’s Ophiuchus.
No need to reinvent the wheel so,
take a look at what the great folks over at The Siderealist have written and why Ophiuchus needs to make Her
way back into our minds and our astrology:
“The constellations and the houses, were truncated to a
12-sign and 12 house system. Thirteen is a number associated with women,
witches and Shamans, and is part of a lunar matriarchal society that presaged
the Roman empire, and was ruled by the Moon goddess. The Romans destroyed this
legacy by fire and steel, and Ptolemy likewise enslaved her astrology in
service of Roman aggression and bloody atrocities…
The true ecliptic
includes the constellation Ophiuchus which really completes the 360
degree ecliptic. The Romans officiated a
brutal, murderous backlash against women that included removing Ophiuchus from
the eponymous Zodiac. Ophiuchus is the shaman, the snake-handler, possessing
the secret female wisdom. Shamans were ALL females, until men started
disguising themselves as women in order to secretly practice shamanic lore.
The rejection of Ophiuchus from Zodiac calculations and the downfall of the
lunar-based matriarchy occurred at the same time, and for the same reasons: men wanted to usurp the power of strong
women…They wanted to change astrology to eliminate the 13-month,
28-day of the calendar, and replace it with a Solar, 12-month calendar...
Female deities Aries, Leo and Taurus were changed to animals to further make
women irrelevant. The powerful female Ophiuchus was completely eliminated from
the Zodiac and the female symbol of the snake-handler was transmogrified into
an old man, a dystopian opinion based on Roman efforts to destroy female power
in the tribal areas.”
So there we have it folks. The
Mama is back, with her medicine, visions, potions and cult. We welcome Her and
her ancient teachings. I’ll still offer all the classic WildSeed goodies:
deities, spirits, herbs, tarot correspondence, etc.- just with a different
flava. Trust- I think it’ll be a good fit. And feel free to message me with
your thoughts and comments! I’m always open to learning and exchanging.
Your new sign
Tropical astrologers have given
you your sign based on their seasonal zodiac that doesn’t actually match what’s
happening in the sky. Take a look up at the sky and see for yourself. The
planets and luminaries aren’t where they say they are. Now that we are using
13-sign, sidereal zodiac you will notice that your sign may have changed
depending on your birthday. Don’t panic. Here’s a list of dates that will help
you find your correct sign. For your free13-sign chart drawing feel free to
message me or order a reading.
13 Sign Dates
Aries: 4/19- 5/13
Taurus: 5/14- 6/19
Gemini: 6/20-7/20
Cancer: 7/21-8/9
Leo: 8/10-9/15
Virgo: 9/15- 10/30
Libra: 10/31- 11/22
Scorpio: 11/23- 11/29
Ophiuchus: 11/30- 12/17
Sagittarius: 12/18- 1/18
Capricorn: 1/19- 2/15
Aquarius: 2/16- 3/11
Pisces: 3/12- 4//18
My next moon report is coming soon…stay
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