Voodooman, chicken bone
chicken bone
I can make a thunderstorm from a light rain
My ears start ringing, My nose get bloody
I feel a lil' bit of pressure on my right brain
Intermission transmission
Put me in submission
Glistening trapped in the light prison whistling
The Christ told me come closer to the light man
I went blind woke up in front of a mic stand -Voodoo Man
Jay Electronica, Tropical Virgo, born September 19, 1976
I can make a thunderstorm from a light rain
My ears start ringing, My nose get bloody
I feel a lil' bit of pressure on my right brain
Intermission transmission
Put me in submission
Glistening trapped in the light prison whistling
The Christ told me come closer to the light man
I went blind woke up in front of a mic stand -Voodoo Man
Jay Electronica, Tropical Virgo, born September 19, 1976
New Moon in 13* Virgo
September 5th, 2013
7:36am EST
Virgo season in the tropical zodiac is upon us. Earth signs are ruling and themes around practicality, perfectionism, and artistry abound. It’s a time when we are being pulled to hone the intellect and become more precise as we prepare to go back to school, back to work and into autumn soon. That summer feeling is waning and the seriousness of the earth signs ruling this period bear the weight of that energetic vibration.
September 5th, 2013
7:36am EST
Virgo season in the tropical zodiac is upon us. Earth signs are ruling and themes around practicality, perfectionism, and artistry abound. It’s a time when we are being pulled to hone the intellect and become more precise as we prepare to go back to school, back to work and into autumn soon. That summer feeling is waning and the seriousness of the earth signs ruling this period bear the weight of that energetic vibration.
have the Sun, Moon and Mercury all in the sign of Virgo, the Virgin
Perfectionist. All of those planetary bodies are in critical degrees of this
sign. All of that activity is happening in the twelfth house (the moon,
Mercury, Part of fortune, Sun and Ceres are all in the twelfth house, all in
Virgo- whew!) bringing up lots of challenges but also the possibility of
term zodiac translates to “circle of animals”, but there are several prominent
archetypes that represent other forms of creation. Virgo, the virgin maid, is
one of those. The mythology of Virgo is rich. She represents the Celestial
Lady, Goddess of Harvest. Wearing her own bejeweled crown- the Diamond of Virgo
(a four-star constellation comprised of the star Denebola [tail of Leo], Spica,
[also known as the The Pearl], Arcturus [a bright golden star] and Cor Caroli
[a double-bodied white and lilac star]), this refined aspect of the Goddess
knows her worth and applies them practically in order to create a life in which
her fully potential can be explored and taken advantage of (Oken, page 100). At
thirteen degrees of Virgo this moon is influenced by the star Cor Caroli. This star is said to “gives a love of hunting and a penetrating
mind, making those born under it faithful, keen, clever and fond of speculation”
(Robson, page 34).
The new moon falls into the 11th
Nakshatra: Hasta- the hand or fist. Ruled by the deity Savitri or Surya (the Sun), Hasta represents
manual skill- meaning, aptitude and ability within crafts or the arts. Those
born under this Nakshatra use their hands for healing- whether they are
doctors, sculptors, massage therapists or whatever else. They are sociable,
likeable and usually possess great wit.
Mercurial dichotomies: what
do you truly desire?
energy is running a lot this cycle. As the ruler of Virgo, and the sign in
which the Sun, Moon, Part of fortune, and Ceres all find themselves this
lunation, it’s agency is compounded. Mercury rules how you process information
and how you communicate. In its shadow, it can lead to judging, being overly
critical and subscribing to a consciousness that compresses every and anything
into rigid boxes and dualities. Instead of thinking and judging in terms of
right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, et al., the challenge will be finding that
balanced middle ground, seeing things for what they are – Virgo also blesses us
with the gift of discernment- and seeing how we can work things such that they
serve our highest purpose(s) and/or goal(s). Rigidity in our thinking can lead
us to limit ourselves, our power and miss opportunities right in front of our
faces. In a very Eshu-like
fashion, sometimes what we consider bad may be good for us and vice versa. In
order to get to a place of clarity we have to ask ourselves several poignant
1- What do I truly want?
2- What understandings have I gained during
the course of this year?
3- How can I use my talents in practical
ways to provide stability for myself?
4- What does balance look and feel like to
do I really believe?
new moon beckons you to find the practicality in your life. After the dog days of
summer have passed, take stock see what you’ve harvested, plan your next move,
clarify your priorities and desires, and bring order to all that you seek to
accomplish in order to be as organized and productive as
possible under the auspices of this new moon.
Finances, Emotions and Processing
Venus squaring Jupiter in the second house, now is not the time to delve into
emotional spending. Temper your habits, stick to the budget and do not using
spending as a way to assuage negative feelings. Venus and Chiron are both in
the sign of super sensitive, psychic Pisces, stirring up our need for
connection, longing and fears of loneliness- especially where our passions and
hearts are concerned. We are healing from deep within and we will either push
past pain- and find better ways of processing/dealing with it- or embrace
whatever form of escapism available. The choice is ours.
when we discuss the concept of health we focus solely on the physical. Mental and
emotional health are especially important now, as we also have the dark moon is in opposition to Chiron in Pisces,
which intensifies our feelings and ability to experience pain. Do you have a
creative outlet? How do you express yourself? Take a cue from Jay Elect, who
works out his struggles lyrically in this track:
Have you ever ever ever been depressed
so bad
It was a struggle every day not to regret your past
Feeling cursed like you never ever get your swag
And you was speeding down the highway when your threshold pass
When you cried all your tears out
And one page of your diary can tell you what your year 'bout
That's a lonely place- Dear Moleskine, Jay Electronica
It was a struggle every day not to regret your past
Feeling cursed like you never ever get your swag
And you was speeding down the highway when your threshold pass
When you cried all your tears out
And one page of your diary can tell you what your year 'bout
That's a lonely place- Dear Moleskine, Jay Electronica
Power Flow
power flow of the Virgo New Moon lies in organization. Clean up emotional,
spiritual, physical and mental clutter. Focus on your complete health-
energetic, spiritual, mental and emotional. This is the best time all year to
really take action around improving your health. Virgo specifically rules the bowels,
intestines, constipation, diarrhea, digestion and the solar plexus chakra.
symbolism of Virgo is often misunderstood. Her virginal archetype has little to
do with chastity in any repressive, patriarchal sense- it is about her autonomy
and self-actualization. She is embodied and draws her power from her ability to
ground herself and channel her celestial knowledge.
everything that is going on in the world right now- from another potential US
invasion of Syria to continue the endless world-wide war mongering this
country exalts to water scarcity in some
parts Africa
to the endless barrage of attacks on our collective psyche on a daily basis, it
is easy to want to tune out, space out and numb ourselves. The new moon in
Virgo opposing Chiron in Pisces, the grand water trine still fizzling out in
the background, and our north node in Scorpio also trining Chiron makes it easy
for us to escape to our fantasy worlds, retreat and shut down.
this time work on being fully present in each moment and really becoming aware
of your body. Ground yourself into a firm, exact vision of where you want to go
next and align your spiritual forces with that vision. Use the gift of
embodiment to heighten your awareness of self and surroundings. Relax any
fallacious notions of perfection you may be holding on to and embrace precisely
what you are- perfection in your own right, imperfections and all.
Additional stats:
Herbs: pine, mar pacifico, tartago, valerian
Flowers: Lily
Scents/Oils: pine, cedar, sweetgrass
Crystals: citrine, apache tears
Trees: pine, cedar
Animals: snake, jackal
Tarot: 6 of pentacles (coins)
Color: brown, red-orange, earth colors
I leave you with
a soundtrack to ride out this Virgo season with. Check out DJ Lynnee Denise’s Emotional
Migration mix…definitely an end of summer vibe.
you would like to receive more personalized information please contact me here for a natal chart
interpretation. As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcomed.
-Ty Shaw
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