Is God’s most dangerous face-
roiling, hungry.
Shape Chaos-
Shape God.
Alter the speed
Or the
direction of Change.
Vary the scope
of Change.
Recombine the
seeds of Change.
Transmute the
impact of Change.
Seize Change.
Use it.
Adapt and Grow.
– Octavia Butler, Parable
of the Talents
Thunder Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Leo
According to the Farmer’s
Almanac, the month of July is when thunderstorms are most frequent; as a
result its full moon is called the “Thunder Moon” (the Blessing Moon and Hay Moon
are some of its other aliases). This is the third consecutive Super Moon of the
season and it comes to us in 0 degrees of Aquarius on 22nd July. This
is the first of two consecutive Aquarius Full Moons, making August’s moon the
rare “Blue Moon”.
The Sun is in 0 degrees
of the fixed sign Leo (decan 1) which is ruled by the star Talitha. Talitha is
part of the constellation Ursa Major which has an effect similar to that of
Mars, compounding that frenetic feeling in the air. Ursa Major is said to give
an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused [Robson*, p. 65].
Our fuses may be short and our emotions ready to blow.
As the sun moves into
exaltation in the sign of Leo which it rules it will conjunct our Aquarius Thunder
Moon, compounding each other’s influence. Leo holds our divine individuality;
our unique imprint that illumines our core self and longs for expression. It
wants to be praised and acknowledged. Being loyal to our individuality as
opposed to shrinking ourselves in order to be accepted becomes necessary and
the inner dimensions of rebellion are brought to the forefront. Interacting
with Aquarius- the fiercely independent game-changer- it moves us into a place
where we are motivated by larger concepts around the collective and the future
as well. The concerns of the community become paramount and take precedence
over the needs of the individual, while recognizing that the cultivation of the
gifts we as individuals have to offer will lay the right foundation.
With this moon comes a
feeling of restlessness- we are ready to move, our emotions are ready to boil
over but we still have to exercise temperance and planning (Saturn in Scorpio
is still in play). Our buried demons and toxic emotions are coming to the
surface and we must deal with them in order to move forward. It may be any
number of lower-self emotions- from jealousy to rage- all things we’d much
rather not have to feel. We can choose to avoid them, but that Uranus-Pluto
square will simply bring them back again. Are we ready and willing to do the
work? The build-up of fiery emotions is real and requires our attention. We can
see examples of this in the reactions to the injustice of the Trayvon Martin
case, where the ills of the [in]justice system were brought to light and
resulted in the outpouring of public anger. We can also see how fiercely the
machine and its agents (those who remain asleep and unaware) will work to
invalidate and nullify the anger of oppressed people by stripping them of their
right to express anger over injustices committed against them. We see the
effects of the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square continuously playing out
around the globe; look to Egypt,
Venezuela or any number of
other places to see the proof in the pudding. How will we handle our potent emotions and they find their way out?
Will we implode? Or will we use the visionary potential of Aquarius to
design a new way of life- one that is in alignment with our ultimate spiritual
truth and gifts? Will we/can we focus
our anger, our emotions, transform them, and create something that works
towards our collective evolution through our personal evolution?
flow of the Aquarius Thunder Moon’s energy
“Knowing how you actually want to feel is the
most potent form of clarity that you can have. Generating those feelings is the
most powerfully creative thing you can do with your life. And not only
do we have to put our feelings at the heart of our ambitions, we have to pursue
our desires in a way that is life-affirming, rather than
soul-depleting.”- Danielle LaPorte, The Desire Map
The power flow of this moon is found in intention, emotional
intelligence, dream-work, divination and meditation on goals and plans,
particularly those of a spiritual nature. Inspiration and focus on
our feelings and how they affect our thinking come to impart wisdom and
profound insights regarding our future and our way. Keeping the sacred as our
center, now is the time to live intentionally, decide what we want to create
and actively participate in its design.
Are you clear on your core desires? Have you confused your wants with your
needs? Emotions are the roadmap to personal power and awareness gives us the ability
to choose which emotions we want to experience in order to create and achieve
our goals. While society and most things new-agey have us believing that we
have to seek the goal in order to generate the desired emotional state, it's
actually quite the opposite and the grand water trine supports this notion by
challenging us to use our spiritual sight, emotional map and transformational
abilities to manifest our desires. Use the energy of this moon to marry your
true emotional desires. Rededicate
yourself to yourself and live with consciousness and intention in order to
reclaim your genius. With the Sun in
0 degrees Leo conjuncting our Aquarius moon, using ingenuity can help us access
our ancestral memories and traditions in order to create processes and
structures that will outlive us. It is time to think of posterity, what our
needs are (by having the perspective needed to assess our current state) and
what we need to create. We can create it on our own or we can
support/participate in its creation but it needs to benefit the collective and
the bigger picture.
Our collective Karma
during this moon cycle is guided by the North Node is Scorpio in the first
house and South node in Taurus in the 7th. Here the Moon’s node
tells us that we must continue to develop our sense of initiative and our
personal power. We have to carve out our
own destiny. Through our efforts and actions we will gain the confidence and
self-reliance we need. Scorpio north node needs to transform and be reborn,
while the Taurus south node shows us that our focus has to shift. The world has
to shift from the materialism that is destroying it and relinquish its need for
addition to all the watery energy brought on by the Grand Water Trine, we have
Chiron in Pisces, adding more to this brew of energies and keeping the
spotlight on our emotions. Chiron is in 13 degrees of Mutable Pisces, ruled by
Achernar. This star has the effect of Saturn and Mercury, and is said to gives
a love of knowledge and science, travel and change [Robson*, p.46.].
Chiron in Pisces in the fourth house, trine the north node- says we
need to heal the past in order to create a new future. Chiron seeks to align
the whole person- mind, body and spirit- and working through Pisces it tackles
those issues through the emotions.
Grand Water Trine
“The series of Grand Water Trines that began in early June have helped
all of us find
appropriate emotional vehicles to navigate this time of
tremendous feelings. Once we find the right “emotional intelligence,” then the
more we care, the more we become sensitive to, the easier the flow through the
crosscurrents indicated by Uranus square Pluto. We cannot avoid the
crosscurrents, but we do not have to feel helpless in navigating them. Again,
we are learning to trust the process.”- Robert Wilkinson, Aquarius Papers- Global
The much talked-about
Grand Water Trine is still working in the background with Mars in Cancer adding
more movement and action to the mix. We have to be conscious notice when things
come together in synchronicity despite whatever setbacks we may experience.
With the hard square Mars is about to form against Uranus and Pluto, this water
trine provides the necessary comfort in navigating the last days of July.
Mercury goes direct; Mars gets active; Venus in her fall
Mercury finally went
direct on the 20th, lightening this last tough stretch as he played
with our speech, communications, ideas and electronics. Now he moves on to
enter 13
degrees of Cancer (decan 2), ruled by Canopus. Under the influence of this star
Mercury become has to work not to become too stubborn or headstrong, as this
star is said to make one rash [Robson*,
p.150.]. At this critical degree, Mercury’s intensity is heightened and our
minds start to run a mile a minute. Use this energy to bring completion to
outstanding projects and to get really focused on the details that require our
full attention. These things will also give us some much needed distractions
from all the other energies at play right now.
is in 0 degrees of Mutable Virgo, its fall. A planet in the sign of its fall is
in an uncomfortable position and is weakened and influence lessened. Venus is
unhappy in the sign of Virgo and this sentiment is doubled because she is
conjunct the fixed star Regulus, which is said to bring “many disappointments, unexpected happenings, violent attachments,
trouble through love affairs” [Robson*,
p.196.]. Being in a critical degree compounds this affect, so now is not the
time to plan a wedding or embark on a new relationship.
Mars is in 6 degrees of
Cancer (ruled by Furud, a star in the constellation of Canis Major). The Mars-Jupiter
conjunction will also be exact when the moon is full. These planets are in
rough aspect to Uranus and Pluto, so the energy can be volatile. Mars in 6
degrees of Cancer (it’s fall) squares Pluto and Uranus for several days and
that energy is problematic and brings the potential for tension and conflict-
particularly with regard to authority and power structures. Mars will continue
on- it’ll be in this position from the 27th to the 31st-
but that small patch has the potential to set off fireworks.
goes retrograde in Aries

Uranus (as well as
Neptune and Pluto) are normally spoken of with the group and certainly they are
about generations and groups- Uranus stays in a sign for seven years so we’re
each part of a Uranus generation- but we still experience these planetary
energies very personally in our charts and lives. Uranus effects change through
the individuals that comprise the group. It’s time for a new perspective and
time to see the bigger picture. Uranus supports revolution all around the world.
Uranus is the planet of genius and trailblazing. With Uranus we shake free of
societal impositions on behavior. We have to reclaim our individual fire- our
self- in the midst of global machines designed to keep them dormant and hidden.
Suppressed and conditioning the leads us to perpetuate our oppression but the
Uranus-Pluto square dares us to get free.
Aquarius Thunder Moon Meditation
Imagine your future and
fill it with intention. Imagine that your particular gifts are pivotal in the
creation of that future. Consider the notion that your ancestral memory is
pulling you towards grounding yourself in a new reality; a reality that truly
reflects your innermost desires- the individual- and the manners in which they
affect the whole- the group, represented by Uranus. Will we continue to be
herded like sheep, or are we brave enough to be liberated? What beliefs [dogmas]
will we have to give up for the sake of autonomy? Accept the notions that not
only are the spiritual and material worlds blending but the lines between the
two are quickly dissolving altogether. How will you cultivate your gifts in a
way that is supportive of a better future? Will you gather with your kin- those
who share similar gifts and paths- in order to support one another?
paradigm shift heralded by Uranus is exemplified in this work by the brilliant artist
collective The Black Constellation, in their Ode
to Octavia Series. Take a look, feel it and my message to you will click.
![]() | |
honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon balm, hyssop, wild lettuce
lotus, water lily, jasmine
frankincense, jasmine, spearmint
pearl, white agate, snow quartz, ocean jasper, nebula stone
oak, acacia, ash
crab, turtle, dolphin, whale
seven of wands
sea blue
Mansion (retrieved from the Lunar Mansion Ephemeris here):
July 22- Mansion 24: Sa’d
al-su’ud, The Star of Fortune, 25* Capricorn 42’ to 8* Aquarius
34’. Signification:
Favourable for marriage, enterprises and friendships. Cast spells for the
realisation of a wish.
To find out what
areas in your chart will be most affected, look at where the moon and Aquarius
fall. Also, look to your third house. If you don’t have a copy of your chart
you can click here.
If you would
like to receive more personalized information please contact me here for a natal chart
As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcomed.
As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcomed.
As you get ready to declare your intentions and
gain more clarity during this moon I leave you with some poignant lyrics from Laura Mvula that
exemplify the rebellious energy of the Aquarian Thunder Moon. Let’s let this
vibe guide us…
will never be what you want and that’s alright,
Cause my skin ain’t light and my body ain’t tight.
And that’s alright.
But if I might, I must stand and fight.
I will never be what you want and that’s alright,
I play my own damn tune, I shine like the moon.
And very soon, I’ll soon fly over you.
And what you gonna do when I fly over you?”
Cause my skin ain’t light and my body ain’t tight.
And that’s alright.
But if I might, I must stand and fight.
I will never be what you want and that’s alright,
I play my own damn tune, I shine like the moon.
And very soon, I’ll soon fly over you.
And what you gonna do when I fly over you?”
- Ty Shaw
Moon Magick by D.J. Conway
Metu Neter Vol. 1 by Ra Un
Nefer Amen
Christian Astrology by William
The Book of Stones by Robert
Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
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