6 August
2013 Tuesday
5:51pm EST, 21:51:57
New moon in
14 degrees Leo
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James Baldwin, Artist Unknown |
“Love takes
off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live
within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense
but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American
sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and
daring and growth.” ― James Baldwin,
The Fire Next Time
(Tropical Leo, Born August 2, 1924)
new moon is here again, bestowing the opportunity for new beginnings, fresh
starts and the commencement of new projects. When
the moon is new it is not visible in the night sky and is useful for creating a
vision or setting an intention. The energy of the dark moon (new moon, no moon)
is in effect from Day 1 to 3 ½. This Leo Moon gives us the chance to utilize
its beneficial energies with ease because it rules the heart. Under the favorable
conditions of the Leo New Moon we set the stage to return back to love,
starting with ourselves.
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Lion of Judah, Artist Unknown |
the cosmic cat, has a rich mythology and history. It is represented in the Lion
of Judah, King of Kings, which still appears among the titles of the emperors
of Ethiopia. It is believed that this- the oldest existing monarchy- consisted
of kings descended from the union of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. She,
as Daughter of the Sun, was the empress of Ethiopia at the time of their
meeting (Oken, page 94).
is a fixed fire sign and seeks to stabilize that which has come before it-
which makes the past, lineage, ancestry and heritage paramount. From a Vedic
perspective, this moon is located in Nakshatra (lunar mansion) 10 known as Magha, The Forefathers. Maha means great, and those born in this
lunar mansion are generally regal, proud and conservative. This Nakshatra
is considered “the gateway to the ancestors” and there is a sense of wanting to
follow the traditions of the ancestors in some manner.
Moon in Leo directs our attention back to our innermost self. Moon conjunct Sun-
both in Leo- lifts the veil in order to for to accurately assess how we are
perceived in the world. It facilitates the balance of our inner and outer
interactions. Leo needs to express itself creatively and we need only look to
wherever Leo is found in our natal charts in order to understand where we need
to focus the higher octaves of the energy of our Sun Signs in order to
capitalize on this New Moon. This is the time to bring out our talents and put
our best foot forward.
New Moon in 14 degrees Leo is ruled by the star Dubhe,
in the constellation of Ursa Major. Dubhe is a
yellow star on the back of the Greater Bear, more commonly known as The Big
Dipper. This modifies the energy of the Leo new moon in that it further compels
us to go inward and embrace self-control in order to not have our egos run
On the ego of Leo New Moon:
its lower octaves Leo exhibits traits that don’t service its more precocious
spiritual nature. Its other side- the cowardly lion who can hide behind its ego
and need for validation- can also rear its head. The North node in Scorpio
advises us to come together and embrace partnership as the support will help us
to navigate lapses in energy and focus during this time. We have the
opportunity to support one another and take advantage of fruitful partnerships
but the Sun and Moon conjunct in Leo bring about a surplus of self-involvement
and self-centeredness that have the ability to destroy our agreements and
alliances. Willow from Willow’s
Web Astrology explains this well:
“Big personalities, big egos, and big
creative power are coming together, with a particular gel point this
fall under the Saturn-North Node-Venus conjunction at 8 degrees Scorpio.
This requires a careful
understanding and distribution of power. It also requires the
careful, proactive honing of our personalities and egos. We have to drop a
whole lot in order to achieve the things we need to achieve, in order to
fit through the slim doorway to Aquarius. Coming out of this Leo New Moon,
square the Scorpio North Node, we're determining the essentials of our
personalities from the non-essentials, the benefits of a strong ego versus
the pitfalls of an oversized one.
We're purging any
potentially detrimental ego bloat coming out of this Leo New
Moon with an eye toward long-term gains. The more honest we can be with
ourselves, the better, though this will not necessarily be easy. We can expect
some ego burns and bruising around this New Moon as we are stripped down,
charged up, and positioned for the long term.”
the Leo New Moon, make every effort to rise above pettiness and the trappings
of an un-evolved ego. Embrace the help available to you and navigate your
relations accordingly.
Completion and Follow-through
new moon also brings the opportunity to expound upon the energies and
intentions set in July. This gives you the opportunity to really apply yourself
to your goals and creations in order to see them through. Review the details,
pay attention to the nuances and put the final perfecting touches on those
outstanding projects. Allow spirit to support you in manifesting your goals by simply
submitting to calm, being receptive and accepting the process. Pay attention to
the signs around you and the messages that come in whatever form. Integrate
that advice into real day to day praxis in order to see tangible change. Remain
steadfast in the face of delays, blockages or resistance. Channel your
confidence and manage your time and efforts well.
Power Flow of the Leo New Moon
power flow of this Leo New Moon is found in creativity, courage and
individuality. Honing these gifts and offering them to the group bring us to a
place where we can embrace completion and the enjoyment as a result. Create
what you love, be yourself and follow-through! Temper your arrogance.
Meditation for Leo New Moon
Self-assured and progressive, New Moon in
Leo calls you to be yourself and assert your right to self-define. The masculine in Leo seeks to
impregnate the world with its unique creative genius; its fingerprint, its ego.
Cultivate and refine your desires and find out what they offer to the
collective. Define yourself- for yourself- and do not allow anyone else to
dictate who or what you are. What is your unique offering to your world? Are
you growing and standing proud- like the King of Kings - or are you cowering,
running away from yourself- like the scared cat? How do you show
your love? Are you being yourself or exemplifying
the characteristics of some personality construct imposed upon you- whether by
society or by your own self-promulgated limitations? What do you know? Who are
you? Are you what “they” say you are? Will you give “them” their problem back? Tropical Leo James Baldwin
explains it best and he brilliantly self-defines and questions the intentions
of those who seek to tell us who we are and give us names we’ve not chosen:
Passion and
a sweet life and somebody has to live it”- Jalylah, Crunk
Feminist Collective
Opening the last
month of summer, Leo blesses us with that loving, flirtatious feeling in the
air (and we still have that grand water trine in effect, pushing that flowy,
psychic feeling into the ethos, making these connections seem karmic and
otherworldly, eerily familiar, and über-sexy). Leo New Moon along with
the Sun in Leo preps us for the upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius- the second in a
row. As you ride out this last leg of Leo before we enter Virgo season, be
loving to yourself and those around you. Enjoy the company of others and love
on somebody. And while you do it, here’s a soundtrack for
you to bump to on the way.
For those of us who use the moon for our
work, here are some additional stats:
Herbs: Dandelion, Rue, Fennel, Rompe Zaraguey, Paraiso
Flowers: Sunflower, Marigold
Scents/Oils: Heliotrope, Geranium
Crystals: Yellow Sapphire, Citrine, Amber,
Trees: Cedar
Animals: Lion, Phoenix, Bear
Tarot: 5 of Wands
Color: Yellow, Gold, Orange, Purple
Lunar Mansion (retrieved from the Lunar Mansion
Ephemeris here):
On August 6th- Mansion 6: Al Hana. To bring friendship
To find out what
areas in your chart will be most affected, look to your fifth house and
wherever your moon is falling. Also look at what Leo is doing in your chart. If
you don’t have a copy of your chart you can obtain a free one here.
If you would
like to receive more personalized information please contact me here for a natal chart
interpretation. As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcomed.
-Ty Shaw
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